Family Handbook 2017-18
● Make sure that you know the name of each girl in the group assigned to you. Spend a few minutes clarifying your expecta ons regarding behaviour. The teacher in charge will have established rules for staying close to supervisors, but it is wise to go over these again in the small group. ● Students must always be accompanied by an adult when visi ng the washroom. This may mean taking your group with you if you are on a walkabout. If you are at a theatre, arrange with another group supervisor to watch your group while you accompany a single student to the washroom. ● Students are not permi ed to visit restaurants or stores unless accompanied by an adult. If such a visit is part of the i nerary, several groups should go at the same me. Very close supervision is essen al in both stores and restaurants and it is wise to set a me limit on any such visits. Please remind the students that items containing peanuts may not be purchased. ● In the event that you must leave your group, please take the students to the teacher in charge and explain the situa on. The teacher will look a er them un l you return. ● Make sure that you remain close to at least one other group. In the event of an accident, one adult can then locate and inform the teacher in charge. Do not send a student to get the teacher. ● Avoid cha ng with other teachers or supervisors. Children can very quickly move out of sight while you are distracted. A lost child is always at risk. ● A friendly but firm approach will enable you to establish a good rapport with students while ensuring that safety rules are followed. Do not be afraid to say “no.” You are in charge. ● Adhere closely to the i nerary and make sure that you are back at the bus a few minutes before the scheduled departure me. ● Should a student become separated from her group, please ask another adult to locate the teacher at once. Do not send children to look for the missing student. Junior School Co‐Curricular Informa on Our co‐curricular ac vi es are designed to meet the varied interests of our student. As such, we have a wide range of clubs and ac vi es that enrich the Havergal program. These ac vi es offer students a chance to develop new interests and share their passions with others. Students o en enjoy the cross‐grade interac ons that are part of co‐curricular clubs and ac vi es, as well as the unique interac on with faculty and staff who keenly support these student‐focused ac vi es.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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