Family Handbook 2017-18
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from disappointment and it develops from learning how to manage and recover from low‐risk failure. When we rescue girls from age‐appropriate errors, they cannot learn from their experiences. As a result, they begin to view small setbacks as great disasters. As educators, one of our goals is to help girls learn from their mistakes, rather than preven ng them from making any. A child who never faces failure is a child who becomes fearful and risk‐averse. Students who make mistakes will be supported and guided to take ownership, forgive others and themselves and reflect upon a plan to move forward in a posi ve way. Each Wednesday from 8:20 –9 am, students in the Junior School par cipate in community building ac vi es. These ac vi es include House, Haverpals and Community Circle Moderated Class Mee ngs, which are all part our social literacy curriculum and are directly linked to the Havergal 2020: Our Vision is Limitless Strategic Plan . Recess Time spent outdoors is an integral part of the school day at Havergal College, as research indicates that regular physical ac vity and play support students’ physical, social and mental health and the improvement of cogni ve func on. Living in Canada, we can experience extremes in weather, which o en leads to the ques on: “How does Havergal determine whether or not students remain inside during recess?” As always, we use our best judgement to make this decision. Reasons why an indoor recess may be called, or why outdoor recess may be shortened, include: harsh rain, thunderstorms, lightning, hail, extreme winds and extreme cold (‐15 degrees Celsius without wind chill). Our expecta on is that all students come to school with appropriate outdoor gear so that they can par cipate fully in outdoor play. This may include a raincoat, boots, hat, mi ens, snow pants and warm jacket. If your child is too sick to go outside for recess, please keep her home. If there is another reason why your child cannot go out for recess, but is well enough to a end regular classes, please provide the office with a doctor’s note. Lunch All children are required to remain at school for lunch and eat in their classrooms. Students do not have access to microwave ovens to heat up their lunches and they are encouraged to use a thermos, should they wish a warm lunch op on. A packed lunch can be brought from home; as there is no cafeteria service in the Junior School. Lunches should be brought to school in reusable containers with a non‐disposable cup and utensils. The Junior School Environment Commi ee has
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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