Family Handbook 2017-18
pedestrian in the Junior School parking lot, keep control of your young daughter, walk on the sidewalk, hold hands and guide her safely to avoid traffic.
Student Drivers and Student Passengers Students are not permi ed to drive fellow students to and from school and school‐sanc oned events without the expressed wri en consent of the students’ parents. Havergal does not track, or keep records of, those students who have obtained a driver’s licence. Nor does the school keep records of those parents who allow their daughter to travel as a passenger in a car with another Havergal student driver. And while Havergal usually provides transporta on for students to and from school‐sanc oned events, it is some mes the case that students are asked to make their own way to and/or from excursion des na ons. Here it is important to note that Havergal assumes no responsibility and/or oversight for how students get to and from these kinds of school‐sanc oned events. An example is our annual Founders’ Day service, whereby day school students make their own way to St. Paul’s Bloor Street, but are bussed back to Havergal a er the service. The school’s expecta on is that students will take a school‐ordered bus back to Havergal. Students choosing to drive themselves to the event should not drive passengers. School Closure Procedures The Principal makes the decision to close or cancel school. The decision is not taken lightly. The safety of students, faculty and staff are a priority. Situa ons such as extreme weather condi ons or the loss of essen al services (e.g., water and/or power) may require the school to close. The school consults the Environment Canada website and the Weather Channel as well as other schools in making a decision regarding school closure due to inclement weather. Should it be decided school closure for the following day is necessary: ● Students, faculty and staff will be informed while at school. ● An email message will be sent to parents and the message will be posted on the Portal: . ● Radio sta ons 680 News AM, CFRB 1010 FM, CHUM FM 104.5, CBC 99.1 FM and CityTV (Breakfast Television) will be informed. Student Parking Students are not permi ed to park in the school parking lots. This rule will be strictly enforced.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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