Family Handbook 2017-18
suspect. Students, faculty, staff and visitors are considered to be safe inside the school and, if safe to do so, school ac vi es may con nue as usual inside the building only. The signal to go into hold & secure is three bells followed by an announcement from Security indica ng the ac on required.
Shelter in Place Shelter in Place is a response to an environmental risk outside of the building such as a severe weather warning (e.g., tornado) or the presence of a chemical, biological or radiological contaminant that has been accidentally or inten onally released into the environment. Students, faculty, staff and visitors are considered to be safe inside the school buildings and school ac vi es may con nue as usual inside the building only. The signal to go into shelter in place is three bells followed by an announcement from Security indica ng the ac on required. School Access The school’s doors are locked at all mes unless there is a special event occurring. Security personnel can view all direct access doors to the Junior and Upper Schools via CCTV and can allow guests entry into the buildings by electronically unlocking doors when warranted. Junior School Access The Junior School designated main entrance are unlocked daily from 7:30 am to 8:30 am and 3:15 pm to 4 pm to facilitate morning drop‐off and a ernoon pick‐up. Security personnel are on duty at the front doors while they are unlocked. When the doors are locked, the Junior School administrators can view the door area via CCTV and allow guests into the building by electronically unlocking the front doors. Junior School students enter the school through the designated main entrance. On weekends and a er hours, there is no access. There is a full‐ me security guard on duty in the Junior School from 7:30 am to 6 pm. Upper School Access Upper School students enter the building by using their school‐issued security swipe card, which is programmed to permit entry through their grade‐assigned doors. Students are NOT permi ed to enter the school through the main Rotunda doors from 7 am to 4 pm. On weekends and a er hours, access is limited to the Main Entrance and monitored by Security personnel. Should the door be locked, students and visitors must wait un l the Security Officer returns from his/her rounds. All other doors will be secured. With the excep on of students and
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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