Family Handbook 2017-18
Pediculosis Protocol ● If the parent/guardian becomes aware that the child has head lice and no fies the school, or the school iden fies that a student has head lice, the school nurse will no fy the other parents/guardians with children in the same class or grade by email. ● The message from the nurse will request that parents/guardians check their children for the presence of head lice and nits. ● If the school suspects that a student may be infected, the nurse will contact the parent/guardian to inform them of the likely presence of head lice. The student will be excused from school immediately to begin treatment; however, if the parent/guardian is unable to pick up the child during the school day, the child may remain at school, although close, direct head contact with others will be quietly discouraged. ● Students who have been excused from a endance in order to be treated for head lice will be marked as “Absent – Excused (medical).” ● The parent of a student with head lice will be provided with treatment instruc ons by the school nurse upon request. ● The student should be welcomed back to school as soon as possible a er ini al treatment is completed and checked by the nurse in the Wellness Centre. Note: The Wellness Centre opens at 8 am. ● All efforts must be made to minimize embarrassment to the student and ensure confiden ality of the family.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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