Family Handbook 2017-18
Health, Safety and Security Your daughter’s health, safety and well‐being are priori es for us and the school can support students’ health needs best when we have all the necessary informa on on file. It is therefore essen al that you update and revise your daughter(s) health records as warranted. This link takes you to a video that explains how you can update your daughter’s health profile online : Allergies Several Havergal students, faculty and staff have life threatening allergies. Exposure to even a ny amount of an allergen can trigger a reac on that could prove fatal within minutes. Havergal College exercises reasonable care to ensure that all persons are safe; however, the school cannot assume responsibility for providing a completely allergen‐free environment. Ensuring the safety of all anaphylac c persons in a school se ng and at school‐sanc oned co‐curricular events depends on the coopera on of the en re school community including parents, students, faculty, staff, business and opera ons personnel and volunteers. We appreciate your sensi ve a en on to this ma er. It is the responsibility of students who know they may experience an anaphylac c reac on to carry their own epi‐pen at all mes. Please note that if your daughter develops an allergy at any me during the calendar year, it is essen al that you either contact the School Nurse or update your daughter’s health informa on online. Concussions In June 2016, the Ontario legislature passed Rowan’s Law, the first in Canada which mandates all schools in the province develop and implement a policy on how they deal with concussions. At Havergal, once the school receives word from a coach or parent that a student may have sustained a concussion, Havergal’s Concussion Alert Protocol is ini ated within the school. The ini al messaging lets key people at Havergal know that a student is poten ally injured in a way that could impact her learning and athle c play. The protocols are school‐specific and are noted on the following pages.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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