Family Handbook 2017-18
Educa onal Philosophy An independent day and boarding school dedicated to the educa on of young women, Havergal addresses educa onal needs by crea ng a learning environment that encourages girls to respond with vigour and imagina on to their world. We believe that a sound academic educa on is essen al so that students will: ● discover the excitement of learning; ● develop their powers of curiosity, reasoning, imagina on and expression; ● assess the cultural, ar s c, scien fic and moral developments of humankind; ● take an ac ve role in changing society as intelligent, informed and responsible global ci zen; ● cul vate and leverage the skills required to meet challenges, achieve goals and bounce back from setbacks and disappointment; and ● enjoy physical and mental well‐being through exercise, ac vity and life‐work balance. Havergal students benefit from the many opportuni es available to them to pursue their individual skills, interests, talents and abili es. The school aims to develop the primary virtues of a democra c society: compassion and concern for others, tolerance for different points of view and an ac ve sense of public spirit and service. Havergal Symbols The school’s symbols include the Havergal Crest, comprised of maple leaves, laurel branches, a torch and a lamp of learning, which symbolizes the school mo o of “passing on the torch of life” (Vitai Lampada Tradens). The Marguerite daisy was chosen as the school flower “because it grew so cheerily wherever its luck found it, and because it looked up so steadily at the light that its heart was pierced with purest gold, its petals the purest white.” – First Principal, Ellen Knox Havergal Tradi ons Havergal has many tradi ons that have stood the test of me including: Prayers, Founders’ Day, Celebra on Weekend, Carol Service, the House System, Candlelight Ceremony, Grandchildrens’ Party and many more. The school fosters strong es within its community of students, Old Girls (graduates), parents, faculty and staff. Old Girls cherish the lifelong friendships and support
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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