Family Handbook 2017-18
Physiotherapists (Grades 7–12) Qualified physiotherapists provide treatment to Havergal Upper School student athletes in the treatment room located on the lowest level of the Athle c Centre. Students needing significant treatment will be referred to support outside of the school. Athle c Directors There are two Athle c Directors in the school: Junior School (JK to Grade 6) and Upper School (Grades 7 to 12). These individuals have direct oversight of all intramural and compe ve athle c ac vi es. Director of Performing Arts (Grades 5–12) The Director of Performing Arts provides leadership and oversight to the co‐curricular program in the discrete domains of music, drama and dance while also amplifying student poten al in the discrete domains of music, drama and dance. Student Support Team (JK–Grade 12) The Student Support Team (SST) consists of Junior and Upper School faculty and staff who collec vely oversee school strategies related to student support and wellness. It is led by the Head, Senior School.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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