Family Handbook 2017-18
Homeroom A homeroom is a group of Junior School students in the same grade, taught by a designated teacher.
House Banner The House banners, da ng back to 1957, hang in Brenda Robson Hall with the name of the winning House and House Captain. It is awarded to the House Captain annually—at the end of the school year. In 1980, the Junior School began a record of annual House accomplishments with a House Banner in the Junior School. House banner points are awarded for academic, athle c, ar s c, co‐curricular and community par cipa on and contribu ons and House compe on including intramurals and House Shout. House System The House System forms the basis for cross‐grade community building. There are 10 Houses, which have been named in honour of women who have contributed to the well‐being of Havergal. They are noted below in order of their founding year: 1. Frances Ridley (FR), Est. 1929 2. Ellen Knox (EK), Est. 1929
3. Marian Wood (MW), Est. 1929 4. Kate Leonard (KL), Est. 1935 5. Margaret Taylor (MT), Est. 1938 6. Edith Nainby (EN), Est. 1942 7. Agnes Hansen (AH), Est. 1978 8. Catherine Steele (CS), Est. 1978 9. Mary Dennys (MD), Est. 1995 10. Marcelle De Freitas (MDF), Est. 1995
Junior Dons (JDs) Junior Dons are student leaders who serve in the Boarding School in their Grade 11 or 12 year. There are two to three Junior Dons in each Boarding family. They serve as a support to their Don and as big sisters to family members. In addi on, they organize programs for both their own family and for the Boarding School as a whole.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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