Family Handbook 2017-18
4. the removal of other privileges; and 5. where academic integrity and honesty is at ques on, sanc ons will be consistent with this sec on of the Havergal College Code of Conduct.
Severe or repeated viola ons may result in suspension or expulsion as outlined in the Havergal College Code of Conduct.
Monitoring All informa on and communica on technologies accessible on Havergal College’s network should NOT be regarded as private. Students consent and agree to allow Havergal personnel to review any and all files, data and messages, without no ce, to ensure that students are using the system responsibly at all mes. Havergal makes no warran es of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the monitoring of its network services. Use of any informa on obtained via the Internet is at the user’s own risk. Havergal College is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of informa on obtained through its network services. Student Equipment Loan Agreement Havergal students have the ability to borrow equipment and accessories from the Havergal Informa on Technology Department. A loan agreement signed by the students is required. In signing a loan agreement, students accept the following condi ons outlined below. Parents are asked to review with their daughter the responsibili es associated with the loan of equipment. Condi ons of Use ● Equipment and all accessories (e.g., laptop, tablets, camera, etc.) are the property of Havergal College. ● Equipment must be returned to Havergal College at the end of the specified loan period. ● In accep ng this equipment, the student is agreeing that she will use it regularly. If this is not the case, the student must return it so that it can be assigned to another student. ● In the event of loss, the or damage that is not covered under warranty, the school reserves the right to charge to the student’s account $500 (or less if applicable) towards repair costs or the purchase of equivalent replacement equipment.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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