Family Handbook 2017-18
community. This includes personal informa on, photographs or videos of students, faculty, staff, financial informa on, Havergal plans, marke ng materials or Havergal development informa on. ● Be transparent and authen c. Use your professional iden ty at all mes. Faculty/staff who use ● social media for school purposes must do so using their own name or the name of the course, not a pseudonym or nickname. ● Consider whether any pos ng may reflect poorly on you, Havergal or the teaching profession. Social media sites should not be used to denigrate, a ack, threaten or in midate colleagues. Similarly, avoid online cri cism about students, colleagues, Havergal or others within the school community. ● Ensure that your comments do not incite others to make discriminatory, harassing or other professionally unacceptable comments. ● Ensure that you are aware and comply with Havergal’s Agreement – Acceptable Use of Technology and other policies regarding the use of social media/online communica ons and the appropriate use of electronic equipment.
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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