Family Handbook 2017-18
Havergal Media By sending your daughter to Havergal College, you agree that her picture, voice, likeness, full name (first and last), grade/year can be used on the school’s websites, external websites managed by Havergal College, including social media sites (e.g., Facebook, Twi er, Google+, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube) and in school publica ons (e.g., newsle ers, brochures, magazines, and projects), press releases, adver sing and marke ng materials. Please note: full names will never be associated with photographs/videos without parental consent. On external websites managed by Havergal, appropriate and available privacy se ngs will be implemented when available (i.e. no name tagging by fans/visitors of these sites). Parents should discuss appropriate privacy se ngs for their daughters’ personal social media accounts. In addi on, media are periodically invited to a end Havergal College events and may request photographs of students to accompany print ar cles and online or broadcast segments pertaining to the school. Whenever possible, parents will be no fied in advance of the presence of media at the school. Also, text, images or recordings may appear in electronic form on the Internet, media or other publica ons by external groups or organiza ons outside Havergal’s control. Havergal will not be held responsible for any harm that may arise from such unauthorized reproduc on. Social Media Policy This policy requires agreement for employment at Havergal College employees. It is included here in order to clarify why faculty and staff are restricted from connec ng with parents and students through the use of social media for reasons outside of their professional rela onship. Havergal College (“Havergal”) is commi ed to ensuring that social media and electronic communica on is used effec vely, purposefully and professionally. All materials will remain the exclusive property of Havergal College and Havergal College shall own all copyright and other proprietary rights therein.
Introduc on “Social Media” describes forms of Internet‐based communica on through which users create online connec ons to share informa on, ideas and other content. Examples include, but are not
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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