Family Handbook 2017-18
● reques ng the assistance of a teacher or staff member, acceptable to the student, to lend support to the child at School; ● referring to private counselling or therapy, if required; ● providing accommoda on or modifica ons to her academic expecta ons to relieve the stress of crisis; and/or ● advising the family of community resources. Preven on of False Accusa ons of Abuse Towards Employees School employees should be alerted to the need to protect themselves from false accusa ons rela ng to abuse by: ● conduc ng themselves in a manner which maintains a student‐adult rela onship built on trust and mutual respect; ● refraining from any behaviour through work or ac on which might be construed as “sugges ve” or “abusive” either sexually or physically; ● being aware of the poten al risks of making any kind of physical contact with students; ● avoiding closing the classroom door, par cularly when a teacher is with a single student; ● avoiding keeping students in the classroom for long periods of me a er dismissal;
● avoiding going into small or dark rooms with only one student; ● knowing the students and their developmental psychology; ● a ending in‐service programmes and workshops/courses on child abuse.
Protec on of Employees from False Accusa on of Abuse Employees have a right to due process in the handling and examina on of allega ons of abuse. If allega ons are determined to be unfounded, no record of the allega on will be kept in the employee’s personnel file. However, a record of the incident will be kept in a separate incident file, maintained in strict confidence, in a secure loca on in accordance with appropriate administra on procedures.
Employees who have been falsely accused of abuse will need support, and the School will endeavour to assist the employee, wherever possible.
Possible forms of support may include:
Last Updated Aug. 18, 2017 Havergal College Family Handbook 2017–18
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