Chronicle 2020


$ 10,613



CLASS REP: Diane (Di) Hume Ward Liz Blunt Poarch moved last year from the U.S. to B.C. to be near her son in Silverton. She was photographed riding an ATV! Judy Kinsey Falusi was laid low for a while last summer. She and Arnold took a Caribbean cruise in February. Sandy Seed works hard at the Ten Thousand Villages store she started five years ago in Redondo Beach. They are pushing two million dollars in sales since they opened. She hopes to visit Toronto in September. Cynthia (Tinks) Thun Willauer sends her love. Last summer, she stumbled on a rock in her son’s garden and went down like a tree, her lower leg striking another rock. Her head hit the ground hard but didn’t knock her out. Diagnosed as a hematoma, the wound on her leg required her to keep her leg raised above her heart for as many hours a day as possible. Though much of her life was put on hold, she enjoyed reading some history while flat on her back. She writes: “I am just getting back in gear. A main objective of my life is now clean-up and downsizing -- not much to get excited about. I will be ‘as was’ by July, I am told. Meanwhile, Mr. Trump is exposing the shadow of our country, pretty frightening, with many wondering where all this will go. Pray for us.” Joan Graham Neely says that all is well (octogenarian

wise). The year was punctuated by two visits from each of their “kids.” Greg (in Australia) sometimes brings their granddaughter Tamara, who is not so far away in Whitehorse. Judy Musgrave Burgess , though reluctant to write, reports that her life is happy in her little condo, with every kind of store to walk to and a bunch of old ladies who meet for coffee most mornings. She and her three sisters had planned a cruise to Hawaii from San Francisco with stops in various islands in April. She was planning to spend a couple of days with her sister Patsy Musgrave Chador 1959 before leaving. She is trying to learn the ukulele, and writes: “it’s supposed to help the brain; it’s not very hopeful, but it’s fun.” Diane (Di) Hume Ward is busy painting, working with youth and seniors, serving on the board of her church and as chair of the office committee for Markham Fair. She volunteers at the community gardens for the food bank and writes columns for the local paper and the magazine put out by the municipality. Thirty years ago, she started a company that packages soups made with dried peas and beans and all the herbs needed. They are down to 10 stores now. She flew her family of 11 to Salt Spring Island last August for her grandson’s wedding. It was magical.

CLASS OF 1959 ~ 60th Reunion

$ 97,665


CLASS REPS: Kathleen Bourke Bell and Christine Coutts Clement Happy memories of spring Reunions arranged by Christine Coutts Clement made Massey College the perfect venue to celebrate our 60th anniversary. We had a wonderful turnout. Of the 45 names on our class list, 26 (60%) of you came from near and far for this special occasion (see photo). Liz Cunningham Biedinger and Marilyn McLean Sneller had to cancel at the last minute, or we would have been 28. The afternoon of laughter, stories and catching up flew by, and many of us went on to Havergal to continue celebrating and reminiscing. On Sunday, Mary Jean Borden Potter, Wendy

Salmond Quarry and Kathleen Bourke Bell attended the celebration of life service for Miss De Freitas. Wendy was one of her star Spanish students, and many of us fondly remember sewing classes. Age has not stopped us from travelling. Beverly Bruce Hargraft visited Singapore, India, Sicily and Malta (Garden Club Trip) before cruising around Newfoundland. Ann Galley returned to India for five weeks via Paris. Tannis Clarkson spent June 2019 in Ireland, last summer with her family in Magnetawan and October in France and Greece, where her daughter was married. Patricia Hamilton Winter focused on the Americas, cruising around South America, followed


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