Chronicle 2019
$ 50,069
CLASS OF 1983 ~ 35th Reunion
The Class of 1983 celebrated its 35th Reunion last fall.
CLASS REPS: Anne Langford Dotsikas and Naomi Sedgwick Schafler The Class of 1983 had our official 35th Reunion last fall. Naomi Sedgwick Shafler summed it up: “Last night proved to me that the network of friends we can call upon is endless; something to really treasure.” Meanwhile, several unofficial mini-reunions popped up, including a Nashville whiskey lemonade field trip with Robyn Johnston Stafl, Alex Warly, Anne Langford Dotsikas, Kaia Kasekamp Stahl and Eva Kowalski Langford . Deb Grant Aben says she’s excited about yet another boarder reunion when Jan Dutton Simpson visits from New Zealand later this year. Leandra Ruttan Cook , who expanded her Backstage Communications & Events by consulting on events in Australia, enjoyed a year of travelling to Las Vegas, Newfoundland, England and Jamaica, and reports having a lovely visit with Kim Matalon along the way. Other happy travellers include
Karen Jewett Allen with empty nest partner a.k.a. her hubby and Kim Thompson , who is heading to Dubai for work in spring of 2019 with plans to see Maxine Nugent Dabbagh while she is there. Pauline Chan-Thomas held a fantastic class brunch early in 2019. Among the guests on hand were Pauline’s daughter Catherine Thomas 2019, HC’s most recent School Captain, and many Class of 1983 classmates including Anne Lawrence Harrop, Felice Parthun, Jackie Cooper, Christine McKeown, Carey Broen, Diane La Calamita, Elizabeth Fogler Levitt , who moved back from NYC in 2016, and Eva Kowalski Langford . Eva is currently enjoying various expansion projects with Voyageur Quest, including a new trip outfitter (it was great to see Elaine Medline last summer paddling out on trip!), hosting Algonquin weddings, and the continued growth of an outdoor education business with schools, including Havergal. Others reporting continued success at work include Ryerson English professor Dr.
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