Chronicle 2019
Exciting news from the Havergal Old Girls Association
Over the past year, your Havergal Old Girls Association (HOGA) Directorate has been working diligently to review and refresh our strategic direction – those actions that will lead to the achievement of HOGA’s mission to create, sustain and enhance a lifelong association between and
among Havergal’s Old Girl community and the school. We are excited to share with you the three strategic goals and initiatives that will guide HOGA towards achieving its vision to be best in class in alumnae engagement among Canadian independent schools: - Seek and engage a Directorate to support program development and delivery - Develop, measure and achieve success in delivering programs and events - Leverage new tools and technology to support innovative and meaningful communication - Customize communication measures - Expand the role of connection-focused ambassadors
Enable alumnae engagement through program and delivery
Establish clear and consistent communication
Strategic Goals and Initiative
Develop and maintain key performance indicators (kpi)
- Increase the opportunity for measurable success - Enable HOGA committee effectiveness
More details will be shared with Old Girls through the fall as we roll out our new strategic plan, but here are a few teasers: • Wewill launch an alumnaemanagement tool that provides a powerful digital platform for Old Girls to connect and engage with one another. Through seamless integration with social networks such as LinkedIn and Facebook, this solution supports valuable networking and mentoring as well as opportunities to keep in touch with Havergal and to broaden and deepen relationships among Old Girls. • We will revamp the role of Class Reps to create greater opportunities for engagement and to improve the support for this important role. • We will update HOGA’s governance framework, including our Directorate and committee structure to ensure alignment with our strategic goals and objectives. This presents an expanded opportunity for Old Girls to become involved with HOGA. Stay tuned through the fall as we share more of our exciting changes. If you would like to be involved as a volunteer in shaping and executing on our new strategic direction, please get in touch via e-mail at . As always, if you have feedback, questions and ideas for HOGA, let us know via .
The Havergal Old Girls Association is dedicated to hosting Old Girls reunions in cities across the globe. Check the Connections e-newsletter or for dates and locations. If you are interested in helping to organize a reunion in your area, please contact Helena Follows, senior alumnae officer, at 416.482.4706 or e-mail . Thank you to all of the Old Girls who attended HOGA branch reunions all over the world. We look forward to visiting with more of you in the next year!
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