Chronicle 2018
$ 4,188
CLASS REPS: Aimee Beeston and Tory Perkin Greetings, Class of 1994! Thank you to all of you who took the time to send us your updates. We were thrilled to have such a response and another busy year for so many. Cynthia Kan Bower and Erin Rose are both still living stateside in Pennsylvania and Rhode Island, respectively. Mira Gambhir and Kristen Buchanan both work at Branksome Hall, where Mira leads research focusing on girls’ education while Kristin teaches P.E. and the action program for the junior school. Lori Buchanan and Kristen visited Zambia for a Habitat for Humanity project last year. Sam Richardson is on maternity leave from teaching after having baby Nathan in February. Congrats! Leila Piper Phillipson is in Whistler and is leading the Kidsworx
festival this summer, before heading to Central America in the fall. After leading Camp Amici for many years, Kate Horton is now the executive director at Ronald McDonald House. Stacey Caney is the new V-P treasury and finance at SpinMaster Toys, while Hillary Taylor- Horrax is a program manager at the AGO and managed this year’s Georgia O’Keeffe and Francis Alÿs exhibits, to name a few. Shelly Dev is working at Sunnybrook in the ICU and is also thought leader on burnout and wellness – she was even featured on CBC. Nice job, Shelly! Kate Convey visited from Australia this year and connected with some of her Havergal pals. Kyla McGee Falkiner and Alex Wilbee from Toronto, and Candace Sobers , Tory Fuller and Jen Fyfe Patterson from Ottawa met up in Kingston for a girls’ weekend. They had a head
start on next year’s reunion (2019), which is our 25th. Details to come, but the more the merrier! Until then, have a great year, 100-year grads!
BIRTHS Sam Richardson – a son
Kyla McGee Falkiner, Alex Wilbee, Candace Sobers, Tory Fuller and Jenna Fyfe Patterson, all of 1994.
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