Chronicle 2018
Class of 1992 reunion celebrations.
$ 9,286
CLASS REPS: Tamara Kolber, Mariam Marandi, Amy Schlueter and Andrea Racansky Thomson Here’s some news in advance of our 25th Reunion event on September 29. Mary Pygil Fuochi lives in Southlake, Texas, manages North American events for software firm Blue Prism, and is mom to Nathan 11 and Anna 9. Nathan is excited to be going to his first Canadian overnight camp in August! Tienne Chenier visited Ireland for the first time in 10 years with her mother and 13-year-old son for a fabulous three-generation adventure! Alexandra Snelgrove still works at LIFT Philanthropy Partners, is kept busy by son Teddy 3 and has found time to join a squash league! Marie- Eve Villeneuve is Videotron’s director of communications and spends as much time as possible at her self- constructed cottage in Val-David. Her kids Elliott 5 and Lili
3 are great skiers! Susanne Jones lives in London, U.K. with her partner William and daughter Harriet 5. Her work involves digital experience/service design and marketing, most recently with IBM. Mita Ghosh is a business analyst and is the social co-ordinator at her company. She enjoyed a trip to Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica in March. Robyn Menear Zivic still enjoys life in the U.S. (now as a dual citizen), where she leads CIBC’s institutional sales team in New York City. The entire family, including Hudson 12, Bennett 9, Scarlett 3 and two dogs, spent the President’s Day holiday skiing in Canada. Lisa Graham has been at Johnston & Daniel for 13 years and finds her work tremendously rewarding. Mariam Marandi travels extensively with work. Hilary Smith Beasley welcomed Ruby – an adorable Bernedoodle –
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