Chronicle 2018
$ 25,017
CLASS REPS: Lina Fancy and Silvia Lulka The Class of 1991 has a number of rebels and reformers, on both the home and work fronts! Celia Johnson continues to work in Vancouver and is the V-P, general counsel and corporates, of Graymont Ltd. Last year, she was the recipient of a Lexpert Zenith award celebrating mid-career excellence. Congratulations, Celia! Lina Fancy is currently the director of The Autism Center of Northern California, a non-profit in San Francisco that specializes in providing training and support to families newly diagnosed with ASD, including behaviour consultation and education advocacy. She lives just over the Golden Gate Bridge in the hills of Marin County with her husband Mark and two sons Oliver 5 and Sebastian 4. In her free time, she continues painting, cooking, travelling, rowing, trail running, yoga and, most recently, CrossFit. Jennifer McGill is a rebel/reformer on the medical front. She developed unique recommendations for the province of B.C. to improve dialysis safety around a new technology called substitution fluid. These recommendations deviate from international and Canadian standards because both of these have unaddressed gaps or risks. On a personal note, her family is pretty much a rebellion from cultural norms with a stay-at-home dad and a son who loves gymnastics, dance and swimming. Life is good in beautiful Victoria, B.C.!
Alicia Bona Sandelman continues to live in New York City with her husband, two kids and two dogs. Alicia has extended an invite for anyone to drop by for a glass of wine or cup of coffee, should you find yourself in N.Y.! Sarinda Hoilett is raising two kids – Ruben almost 18 and Jaya 14 – in the coastal mountains of B.C. just outside of Whistler. She is training hard to keep up with them on skis and mountain bikes! Sarinda is also working as a plant- based chef, wellness practitioner and educator. Andrea Kolber is married and living in East York. After working in media for the better part of the past two decades, she has recently moved into technology and is currently V-P of marketing at a cloud computing company called TriNimbus. Kate Menear continues to practise law as a partner at Borden Ladner Gervais, with a commercial litigation practice focusing on the retail and telecommunications sectors. Her husband is working hard as a partner at Stikeman Elliott and their girls keep them busy with school, skiing, golf, swimming and general fun. In her little spare time, she has found a passion for yoga! Kate hopes that this year finds you all healthy, happy and well. Passing on the torch, she wishes Lina much success as the new Class Rep.
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