Chronicle 2018
$ 57,240
CLASS REPS: Jane Langford and Lillian Tang Smith Friends: At this time – 30 years ago – we hooted and cried, gave one another hugs and set off on the next chapter of our lives. We promised to stay in touch, visit often, write regularly and get together during the first available holiday. Many of us did. Some of us haven’t yet connected. It’s not too late! In just
a few weeks, we will be together again to celebrate our 30th Reunion…. Saturday, September 29, 2018. We want to see YOU. Contact Anne Stephenson Kenney or Dawn Creber O’Dwyer (via for info. It’s not too late! As for news of your classmates, come to the reunion and hear it first-hand! xo Lillian and Jane
$ 14,536
CLASS REP: Tiffany Park Mason Sarah Bull ’s daughter is in Grade 5 at Havergal and her boys are in Grades 7 and 10. She is a portfolio manager at the investment management firm KJ Harrison. Joanne Day Berry continues to work with patients with acute brain injuries. She is often at synchro practices with her girls and has recently joined a book club. Susie Davidson Mazan continues to run the book club which she started with Tanya White 15 years ago! Susie is in Toronto with her husband and three boys 16, 13 and 11. They spend winter weekends skiing in Collingwood. Also up there ski racing is Anne Noble , with her two Havergalian daughters who are in Grades 7 and 9. Barb Hayhurst is balancing the good life living in Collingwood with a commute to Toronto for her job as head of admissions at Blyth Academy. Kim Downey loved her visit to Toronto last year to see her dear HC peeps! Nicole Fisher made a big move back to Toronto from Hawaii, with her husband in tow. Adventurous Nereida Flannery is moving to Hong Kong with her daughter after more than 20 years in Beijing. She started a non-profit organization called Business for Better Society (BBS or that is designed to “make giving easy” by connecting volunteers to mentor small and medium-sized charitable foundations and development projects around the world and by linking corporates who want to sponsor such organizations. Although semi-retired, she still dabbles in multiple Chinese business projects.
With both of her kids at university, Kristie Kennedy decided that she should also head back to school herself to pursue her dream of becoming a social worker! Also chasing dreams, Jo-Anne Matear has taken up adult ballet classes at the National Ballet School. She leads the Canadian securities regulators’ initiative regarding the representation of women on boards and in executive management at TSX-listed companies. Jo-Anne continues to travel a lot, including a special trip to Sri Lanka for her mom’s birthday. Julie McAlpine Jeffries is in-house counsel at U of T with two kids off to university next year! Her other daughters are in Grades 9 and 4. Tara O’Carroll is in London with Ferrero (chocolate!), where she travels quite a bit. Nicole Petrov Easterbrook just passed her five- year, post-cancer mark!!! She is a physician at the U of Guelph student health centre and tends to a “massive” home vegetable garden, finding it quite zen. Suzette Strong has become a Leafs season-ticket holder – maybe just in time for a Toronto Stanley Cup?! Look for Zahava Uddin Webster out on Lake Ontario at the helm of her new sailboat Avanti. Tanya White is still in amazing Austin, with a job change that sees her joining a non-profit called Pipeline Angels, whose mission is to bring more women to the investor side of the startup equation. Catharine Heddle is loving parenting her two boys, while I’m sure that many of us feel like Liz Wilson Edge when she says that her social life has been totally hijacked by her kids’ social lives! Have a great 2018!
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