Chronicle 2018
$ 41,754
CLASS OF 1982 ~ 35th Reunion
CLASS REPS: Joanne Hyde Gooding and Diane King MacNicol
determined – we walked the 32-mile “Miles for Millions” one year and Virg was our cheerleader, determined to raise money for famine relief and refusing to quit, no matter the number or size of blisters growing on our feet. Her dream was to become a registered nurse, though this was not to be. She faced many challenges in her own life, including the early death of her father and, starting in her early 20s, difficult mental health issues. Virg’s death has had a profound effect on our Class of 1982. As the news quickly spread, dozens of us joined a seemingly endless series of e-mails in which we shared our shock and grief, as well as memories and memorials. It was the first time in 35 years that we have come together in such numbers. It may be because Virg was a kind person whose open and easy friendship endeared her to everyone. Or perhaps it’s because she reminds us of a time when we were all relatively carefree. But, while most of us
By Susan Fisher, with contributions from Karen Tai- Pow and Audrey Carr We were deeply saddened to learn of the death of our beloved classmate Virginia (Virg) Higgerson on November 26, 2017. Many of us caught up with Virg at our 35th Reunion in September, laughed about some old stories and shared more recent news. She looked the same as always – huge smile, her hair still in a thick braid – and she was clearly delighted to connect with old friends. We would never have guessed (and she did not wish to share) that she was very ill. Virg was a truly remarkable person. Ever good-natured, she was a great friend – happy to run “up north” for junk food during a spare, chauffeur us around in her dad’s big
have struggled and found success in one form or another, it feels like we left her behind and didn’t look back in time to reach out to her. It is heartbreaking on one hand, but also inspiring, because Virg clearly found – and shared – joy in spite of her challenges. As one classmate wrote, just before Christmas: “What a gift she gave to us, of bringing unity and kindness to others.” Virg has given our class of 60 or so women a reason to pause and reflect, to make note of our own accomplishments and vulnerabilities and to appreciate that no matter our circumstances, we all have something to contribute to each other and to those around us. We are all better for having known Virg and for having her in our lives.
boat of a car, line up for concert tickets in the middle of the night at the CNE, commiserate about parents or teachers or boys or share the pain of studying late into the night for an exam. She was a talented figure skater, a classically trained pianist who could play pop songs by ear and she had a way of poking fun in such a gentle way as not to offend. She cared about people and was especially concerned for those less fortunate than herself. From her early teens, Virg volunteered several hours a week at the Bloorview Children’s Hospital (now Holland Bloorview) and continued to work there throughout high school and beyond. She was kind, but also
Virginia (Virg) Higgerson 1982.
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