Chronicle 2018
$ 26,000
CLASS REPS: Erica Benson and Edwina Dick Stoate Barb Gray is retired and living in an old renovated farmhouse in Owen Sound. She and her husband went to Finland and Poland for the Nordic Ski World Lopped series. More travelling is planned as her husband winds down work. Barb’s three sons are grown and gone – the eldest is in London working as a policy advisor at Westminster, the middle is a geological engineer in Whitehorse and the youngest is finishing his master’s degree in Calgary. Melody Klassen has also retired, although she’s still figuring out what that means! Her oldest granddaughter has lost her first teeth and starts Grade 1 this fall, while her sister starts junior kindergarten. Melody is looking forward to volunteering at their school and playing her harp. Jan Eccles Caceres is busy with her psychotherapy practice, which she loves. Last year, she visited her first grandson in Singapore and a second grandchild is due to arrive in September! Jan also travelled to Canada to visit her second son and his family in Hamilton. Jan’s exciting news is her and her partner’s plan to move back to Canada within a year – we will be sure to get a group together to catch up. Jennifer Stutz Flexton and her husband attended the Havergal reunion in London, where she shared memories with Brenda Robson. Jennifer’s garden in England was chosen by the National Garden Scheme to participate in an open weekend to the public. Jennifer and her husband continue to escape to their home by the beach in Naples,
play as much golf as possible and generally enjoy life. Megan Honsberger Turtle tells us that she loves being Gran to two grandsons, aged four and one. Megan and Bill were virgin snowbirds in Florida this winter – now that they are both retired, they hope to enjoy future winters away from the snow. Clela Errington ran into Alannah Campbell 1974 at an Open Minds Toronto lecture series – they both agreed that they hadn’t changed a bit since Havergal days! Clela continues her singing, along with her daughter who sings jazz. She’s also working part time as a companion for an elderly resident at Christie Gardens in Toronto, as well as spending lots of time with her mother, a Havergal Stoneager who is 87. Anne Daniher Kirkpatrick tells us that nothing is new – she continues to work at The Sign of the Skier, has no daughters-in-law or grandchildren. She and her husband continue to care for her 87-year-old mother-in- law, who suffers from Alzheimer’s. Heather MacGowan Parker happily accepted an opportunity to retire and has spent time travelling…including skiing in Whistler, visiting her daughter in Yellowknife, walking the Inca Trail in Peru, singing (and winning) at the Sweet Adelines competition in Las Vegas and a yoga trip in India. Edwina Dick Stoate is still working, though thinking about retirement. Lots of travelling – mainly to spend time with far-flung family – including Louisville, Stockholm, New York, Washington and Philadelphia. She and a friend plan to celebrate their fall birthdays with three weeks in Southeast Asia.
$ 45,575
CLASS REPS: Christine Lautenschlaeger Acconcia and Kathryn (Kathy) Thom In keeping with this year’s Chronicle theme, and with the definition of reformer as “a person who makes changes to something in order to improve it,” it appears that we’re bringing it! Many of you have either recently retired or are due to do so this year. Jeannie McLeod , after 36 years of teaching, made her first assignment a trip to
Europe – returning home to welcome new fraternal twin granddaughters – and she is loving being a grandmother. When Debbie Winspear Allan ’s husband retires this summer, they’ll head to a summer Baltic cruise and St. Petersburg. Kathy Cooke Gallaher retires in the spring and has her bags packed for trips to Canada and Bermuda (to celebrate her dad’s 90th birthday). Anne Ratcliffe Charette is semi-retired, living the dream in the country
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