Chronicle 2018
deer, rabbits, coyotes, voles, a multitude of birds and other wildlife. Evelyn delights in frequent visits from friends and family – her four children and six wonderful grandchildren. Mickey Coste Shofner is a security concierge at the Royal Canadian Military Institute and Condos. Apart from military details – medals, swords and guns – there is a huge library, nine bedrooms for members on the first six floors and condos on the remaining 39. The RCMI hosts events, but without parking! Charmaine Jones describes a “good life” on her small island home…snowshoeing in winter, kayaking in summer. Charmaine and Linda spend a fair amount of time travelling – they are “birders” and often “granny nannies” to their five grands in Alberta and Australia. Charmaine has inflammatory arthritis, so is now delving into a relatively new field of “functional medicine” but is doing well and says, “quality of life is great!” Julia Kippen (Kippy) Jaffray continues to receive clients as she prepares for the sale of her wonderful retreat property, Rasayana Cove Ayurvedic Centre. It is truly a place of peace and beautiful nurturing of nature. Candice Carlisle Cassils enjoys her choir and Candace (Candy) Craig Holmes is away off and on, and recently returned from a cruise. Susan (Sue) Counsell Siridharma sends her regards from New Mexico, where living at the foot of three million acres of wilderness seems to suit her more than living in a city of three million people! Sue is coming to southern Ontario this summer and would love to meet up with anybody who wants to catch up on the last 50+ years. She’s been trying to convince Mari Gray to visit as well.
Maybe time for an in-between-years reunion! It’s been a good year for Jane Stevens Westlake : volunteering at Sunnybrook in the veteran’s wing; at Havergal in the archives with Luba Frastacky 1963 and Joan Winearls 1955; and taking a first trip to Cancún with family in January. A summer highlight is the joyfully awaited arrival of Jane’s second granddaughter.
DEATHS Jane Angus
Jayne Angus 1967 in Grade 13 setting up the dance decorations for the formal.
$ 9,382
CLASS REPS: Victoria (Vicky) Dunbar Koudstaal, Rosemary Taylor McIntosh and Gail Hunnisett Thomsen Christine Adamson Norman started a new job as U.S. principal medical science liaison representing Tessa Therapeutics. Currently doing clinical trials in nasopharyngeal cancer, she is based in Singapore and
travels to the U.S. Her family is well. Liz Maunsell completed her first photo exhibition and sold more than 20 photos. With her husband Guy, they visited Megan Marani Moore and her husband Russell in South Hadley last July. Liz’s mother died recently at 99. Her mother chose medical aid in dying (MAID), allowing her to die in peace, with dignity and without more suffering.
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