Chronicle 2018
on a 69-foot ketch exploring Haida Gwaii with Joey Bell Brown . In December, she welcomed her second grandson and granddaughter, born two weeks apart. Di Davies attended her 50-year reunion from Wellesley Hospital School of Nursing. Her travels included an Alaskan cruise, Victoria, Whistler, Vancouver and Christmas in Edmonton. She continues to volunteer with St. Paul’s Church and the Wellesley Alumnae Executive. Di Nugent Cathro came east for three family events, including hosting a festive 70th birthday party for her sister Lani Nugent Moses . The Cathro clan experienced a truly white Christmas in
Portland, Maine. With sadness, we extend our condolences to Di on Lani’s sudden passing on January 16, 2018. Lani will be missed, having hosted several Class Reunions as well as for her work on the organizing committee. Classmates can be remembered through donations to our Havergal class memorial fund established last winter by Jane Watson , Teresa Snelgrove and HOGA.
DEATHS Yolande (Lani) Nugent Moses
$ 90,052
CLASS REPS: Ann Woodrooffe Ferguson and Susan Sheen Thankfully, our advancing age doesn’t seem to be slowing many of us down! Travel, volunteering, visiting family, friends and grandchildren topped the list for those who sent in news and, we expect, are the reasons why some of you didn’t! Patricia Carter Cooper took two bike trips to Croatia, Montenegro and Argentina. Together with women leaders in South Asia, she continues to work on extremism and women’s security with plans to expand similar networks in Latin America and East Africa. Eleanor (Ele) Johnson Kyle and her husband winter in Florida and summer in Kenora. Ann Barnett Love and her sister published another book for ages eight-14: Re-wilding: Giving Nature a Second Chance . Donna Morris Clarke reconnected with Deany Meritt Wood 1969 last summer in Hamilton and is good friends with Dorinda McLaren McCraney . Cynthia Stark is still self-employed as a human resources consultant, ushers at the Sony Centre, is a roulette croupier and volunteers at the Toronto Centre for Victims of Torture. With her partner, she boats on Lake Simcoe in an antique classic Chris-Craft cabin cruiser. Shan Pinkerton Abate 1966 stayed put as her husband awaits aortic valve replacement. Instead, she gardened and looked after grandchildren, living with them for awhile. Ann Woodrooffe Ferguson and her husband skied with grandchildren and travelled to Scotland in the spring to research Blair’s ancestors. Kirby Chown visits Italy annually and studies Italian in Toronto. She is alternate
chair for the Ontario Review Board, dealing with mentally ill criminal offenders. She became a first-time grandmother in April! Suzanne Knox Gammond travelled extensively, including a trip throughout Germany with a young vet friend; they stayed with an exchange daughter (1997 and 1998). She and her husband are travelling to Ireland with Ontario farmers studying farms selling direct to their customers and providing agricultural tours to the public. Karen McNair Morgan still rides and went on her 20th horseback riding adventure (in 25 years) at Fort Bragg, California – a great way to see the world! She and her husband like condo living – lock and go! Catherine Maunsell ’s mother turned 99 on January 5, 2018. Susan Sheen still fosters guide dog puppies for the Lions Foundation and this winter got Dayzee – her seventh poodle pup. Last August, she rafted the Nahanni River with two young cousins. We were saddened by Ginny (Gins) Olga Doolittle ’s death last October in Vancouver. We also extend heartfelt condolences to Marg Payne Hammond , whose daughter Jenny died in September and to Jane Morley Cobden , on her husband Michael’s death in December. We think especially of all of our classmates who had health challenges this past year and those who lost loved ones. One classmate commented on how she “moves forward, savouring each day” – a good maxim for everyone!
DEATHS Gins Olga Doolittle
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