Chronicle 2018
In North Bay, Sue Thom Fisher is busy with three grandsons. She continues to work for Skate Canada, travelling year-round judging provincial figure skating competitions. Since retirement from the Mississauga Library 10 years ago, Lisa Jackson McLean is living in Barrie with her husband John, a family physician, enjoying their three daughters and five grandchildren. Lisa and John are involved with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and participating in a “Living into Right Relations Circle.” Sue Ross Shone winters in Florida and spends time quilting, including making one for her August 2017 50th wedding anniversary. Congratulations to Sue and Peter, as well as on his third-place finish in the Canadian Croquet Championships in June 2017. Yvonne Monster Beffort lives in Innisfil, close to Lisa and near Janet Cox Lumbers ’ cottage. She also enjoys extensive travels. Nancy Lash Robinson is fortunate to have her three CLASS REPS: Caroline (Pebes) Pack-Beresford Clarke and Luba Frastacky The theme of this year’s Chronicle is Rebels and Reformers, so let’s start with the latter; “reformed” Pat Blachford (double hip and knee-knee replacements) is working on a new golf stance. As for the rebels – as Caroline (Peebs) Pack-Beresford Clarke put it, many of us left a very bad carbon footprint in 2017. She and Mike, alone or together, went to Mallorca three times to visit son Toby, walked Norway’s Lofoten Islands and spent two weeks in Namibia. Cathy Fauquier spent time in Florida and California and, after our 55th Reunion, is off to Bhutan. I ( Luba Frastacky ) went “home” to Bratislava, found the street where we lived until the Communist coup, drove to Ljubljana, toured Zagreb and Dubrovnik and, last spring, showed two friends Prague. Jackie Cogan Smith celebrated her son Charlie’s 50th birthday by touring Eastern Europe together. Lyn Gaby visited Morocco. Jenny le Riche holidayed in Barbados and visited York, the Lake District and Portugal. With husbands in tow, Barbara CLASS OF 1963
daughters and six grandchildren living in Toronto. She continues to enjoy playing bridge with a group of women from her days at Trinity College, 50 years on. She and her husband Ian summer on Browning Island, Lake Muskoka and share time at the family farm near Shelburne. Nancy retired from the Grace Church Choir after an enjoyable 27 years. Jean Griffiths lives in West Toronto and is busy with her community activities. Continuing on at Chestnut Park, Mary Davis Nelles now works with a partner, which makes real estate much more fun. Her son Dan is a sports memorabilia appraiser in Los Angeles, while her daughter Catherine lives in London, England, where she and Cliffe will be visiting this May. If you are like us, many of you will be turning 75 this year so …. Happy Birthday to everyone!
DEATHS Patricia Gunn Burrows
$ 26,828
Key Lea spent September in Paris followed by two weeks in Naples, while Barb Jeffery Stimers toured for three weeks in New Zealand and Australia; her highlight was snorkelling at the Great Barrier Reef. Carroll Wistow Willer and Ronald saw son Christopher married at the Fogo Island Inn in July 2017. Our condolences as Ronald, already very ill, died in November. We have another author in our class! Sue Fisher Gustavison curated a Winnipeg Art Gallery exhibit and wrote the accompanying book for Labrador Inuit artist Pitaloosie Saila. She also authored the catalogue essay for Hamilton Art Gallery’s “ Carving home ,” an art exhibition of work by Inuit being treated for tuberculosis at the Mountain Sanatorium in the 1950s and 1960s. Lyn SiftonWestwood celebrated her 29th year as an art psychotherapist at Sick Kids. Jill Wykes considers herself semi-retired, but her communication company still serves a number of clients. She and her “piano player extraordinaire” Pierre Lepage celebrated their 20th anniversary in August, and her son Richard’s wedding earlier in 2017. Pat still does palliative
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