Chronicle 2018
Class of 1961 - Karen Rechnitzer, Sally Taylor, Brenda Graham Hercia, Judy Clarkson Galloway, and Janet Little Finlay.
Morgan remembers bunching up her tunic to show her legs. Miss Steele admonished her, remarking “Margo, Havergal girls do not wear their uniforms like that!” Maureen Cunningham remembers Mrs. Cole’s mercury experiment and busily coating our rings with mercury to make them shine! Maureen also recalled noticing how thick the soles of Miss Symons’ rubbery shoes appeared. Determined to find out how thick, Barrie Fraser Chavel knelt down unnoticed and used a ruler to measure! Tired of Barrie’s feet always resting on the back of her chair, Jill Cumberland Trennum tied the culprit’s shoelaces to the rungs. As we moved to our next class, there was Barrie Fraser Chavel 1961 dragging the chair behind her amid muffled giggles! In Grade 13, unknown to most boarders, Liz Shipley kept a white mouse hidden in her bedroom. Leith Drury recalls the entire boarding school being in a complete frenzy the night it escaped! Shrieking girls ran hysterically through the halls, jumping onto their beds in complete horror! The mouse was never found. Solid friendships – formed over the years – continue today. More memories next year!
head out to call in dawdling girls, was accidentally hit! At lunchtime, Christie Cohrs McKechnie took piano lessons from Miss Palsson in the tower. Her cupboard was a favourite hiding spot and once, Brenda Graham Hercia became so claustrophobic that her rattling and pounding caused the entire thing to come off of the wall! Out tumbled Brenda, much to Miss Palsson’s astonishment! Daygirls enjoyed riding the dumbwaiter that went from the staff room to the infirmary. Betsy Bell Perkin and Barrie Fraser Chavel were shocked when the doors opened and they faced several teachers all smoking! No reprimand! (No surprise!) Jane Musgrave Sainsbury remembers boarding for three weeks. With no vacant room available, Jane landed upstairs in “The Bad Girls Room” adjacent to Miss Steele’s bedroom. Feeling homesick and crying, Jane fondly remembers Miss Steele coming in and kissing her goodnight. Many noon hours, Barb Jones played the piano in the cafeteria while girls gathered around singing enthusiastically. Bobs Ongley and others enjoyed reading and suntanning outside the lower windows on the south quad lawn. Margo Taylor
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