Chronicle 2018
$ 7,383
CLASS REP: Dorothy Vernon Macdonald Our thoughts are with classmates who are soldiering on in spite of serious health problems (theirs or their husbands’). Sue Hamilton Sisam is still travelling to Australia to see grandchildren and to attend sporting events with Peter. At the Invictus Games, she and Barbara Goodwin-Zeibots were both impressed by the awesome and courageous athletes. Barbara was back fromAustralia where she too has family, to visit family in Canada. Then it’s back to India to consult in schools. Earlaine Stewart Collins took a cruise on the Rhine devoted to tulips and opera. Wendy Blair , in Washington, has joined a duplicate bridge club and continues her gardening column “Dear Problem Lady” in a free newspaper. She’ll spend June and July in her garden at Lake Bernard in Quebec. Diane Austin Kettner is still working and also sits on the boards of Pacific Opera Victoria and of her condo. Carol Gustavison Lunney is taking a watercolour class in Switzerland and will be in Germany in the fall. Benita Haslett in Calgary has moved into a seniors’ residence. Rosemary Laing Glynn reports that Bermuda shared
the U.S. East Coast’s storms and high winds. Her family took an amazing trip in October along the Mediterranean coast. Leigh Chestnut Halls and Rosemary were among those who mentioned 80th birthday parties. Margaret Fell Marcar and her daughter visited Grand Cayman. Margo Morris Booth walks a lot and visits her husband. She talked to Lee Maxwell Christensen last summer and learned that Lee’s husband had died, but she is still in their house and has six grandchildren. Byrl Brindle Staples took the Queen Mary to Southampton and went through the Chunnel to Paris – she was tired of Florida. She belongs to a seniors’ club, does line dancing and plays euchre. Wendy Clemes Igel golfs and spends six months in Florida sailing. Her blended family includes eight children and 22 grandchildren and she is endlessly curious about their worlds. Barbara Trent Morris ’ husband Bob has died. She plans a garden club trip this summer. Dorothy Vernon Macdonald paid another visit to their daughter Jill in Sri Lanka, timed to include the Galle Literary Festival where Jill was curator for authors.
$ 31,915
CLASS OF 1957 ~ 60th Reunion
CLASS REPS: Cynthia Johnson Clarkson and Linda FitzGerald Grasley Many factors contributed to a very small gathering for our 60th Reunion last September. Luckily, others were able to visit Toronto at other times of the year. It was wonderful to see Brenda (Bunny) Barrett in July. She is now back in Toronto living in the Beach. Cynthia Johnson Clarkson ran into Sandy Bain Hore , who lives in Collingwood. Di Gower Dent attended the 60th Reunion and arranged a nice restaurant, where we had dinner after the cocktail party. Di continues to work part time at Redeemer University. Linda FitzGerald Grasley sold her home and
now lives in the same condo as Ruth Moran Robert . Cynthia kindly arranged a luncheon when Veronica Lattman Arthur visited Toronto in July. Marion Morrison Keith spends several winter months in Palm Springs. Her daughter Barb was married at their cottage in Honey Harbour last September. Marion’s spring and fall visits usually include fun lunches with Ann Geikie Selby . Sandy Kennedy Lager also lives in Collingwood, and continues to fight health challenges. Pam Hooper Richardson enjoys time in Naples, Florida and at their cottage on Stony Lake. Nancy Milburn Taylor is often seen pursuing her hobby – playing bridge.
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