Chronicle 2018
DEATHS Margaret Haultain Littlejohn Mary Bennett Mordy
Please phone your Class Reps in early 2019 to share your news for the next issue of the Chronicle . If you are interested in getting together for a lunch, please contact the Old Girls office at old_girls@havergal. or 416-482-4706 to connect with your Class Reps.
$ 155,362
CLASS OF 1947 ~ 70th Reunion CLASS REPS: Beverly (Bev) Brockett West, Shelagh Dunwoody Whitaker and Carol McKee Wishart Due to attrition, as well as health and travel issues, it was a small group who gathered to enjoy a delightful lunch, hosted by Joan Burry Brown in a private dining room at the Granite Club on Reunion weekend last September. Diana (Di) Jacob Goad, Claire Mackid Muller, Marilyn Potter Fenwick, Peggy Pepler Sharpe, Jane Northey MacKinnon, Barbara (Barb) Dyment Grant, Judith (Billie) Bickle Wilder, Helen Forwood Lloyd, Beverly Brockett West and Joan Burry Brown enjoyed lively conversation as we reminisced and caught up with each other. As always, we wondered why we don’t do this more often! Marilyn Potter Fenwick came from Ottawa for the occasion, and she and her husband included a weekend visit with their son and his family in Oakville. Claire Mackid Muller arrived from Wolfe Island and was looking forward to 90th birthday celebrations the following weekend, as well as another trip to Costa Rica.
hospital at the time and passed away a few weeks later. Also with regret, I report that Joan Burry Brown suffered a stroke in January, spent many weeks in intensive rehab and, in March, was about to move to assisted living when she passed away in her sleep. Our Class of 1947 bursary continues to grow, and has helped quite a number of deserving girls enjoy the benefit of a Havergal education. Please continue to designate your donations to the Class of 1947 Bursary Fund. We are helping to make a difference!
DEATHS Katherine Anglin Swetman Jean Folster Susanne Harkins Detenbeck Joan Burry Brown Jill Fleming Duckworth
Mary Gibaut Woods Barbara Treloar Cribb
Diana (Di) Jacob Goad , with help, is still happily in her home, as are Helen and Bev in theirs. Following the death of her husband Dick, Peggy Pepler Sharpe moved from Oakville to The Dunfield in Toronto to be near her sister Lally Pepler Tucker 1949 and her husband (who also live there), resulting in fun Happy Hours and meals together. We were happy to see Judith (Billie) Bickle Wilder , and that Jane was able to contact Barb. We could have used more time to hear everyone’s news. Sadly missed, and sorry to be missing us was Jean Folster , who had faithfully attended all of our reunion events. She was in
Class of 1947.
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