Chronicle 2017


$ 14,612



CLASS REPS: Carolyn Nesbitt and Janet Reid Thank you so much to Sandra (Sandi) Meyrick and Pamela (Pam) Grogan Taylor for being the Class Reps for the next four years…woo-hoo! Martha Heighington sent in a quote that captures the essence of her life – three kids, all born in different countries in which she was also able to continue her career, have great jobs and even better friends: “Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility.” (James Thurber) From Susan (Sue) Gibson : “Life is busy and happy in our 16th year in London. We had hoped to move to D.C. in June with Hillary Clinton as president, but it sadly was not to be – so we will stay here for the foreseeable future. In my spare time, I organize events to raise money for human rights, girls’ education and women’s causes internationally. The highlight: I hosted three events for General Romeo Dallaire last year to raise funds for his initiative to stop the recruitment of child soldiers ‒ what an inspiring person!” Pam Grogan Taylor , who is recovering from knee surgery, writes: “In my spare time right now I’m rehabilitating my knee, seeing my physiotherapist twice weekly and biking to nowhere on a stationary bike. My goal is to get back on the courts by May.” From Heather Ritchie Walton in Texas: ”Actively involved in the community of Frisco, volunteering at Frisco Family Services at the food pantry where those in

need are eligible to shop in a store-like environment for their family.” Sandi Meyrick went diving in the Galapagos with her husband and children; she says that the animal life in those waters is unbelievable. Outside of work life, Karen Johnson has lots of fun coaching the young kids in her ski club, so she can be on the mountain while her children are race training and on the water while her children sail. Kids’ sailing actually brought her to Toronto last August, allowing for a wonderful, but too short, visit with Jennifer (Jenny) Normand Wilmer , who can be found helping animals in Hong Kong. Janet Beale does lots of volunteering with Scouts and “recently became the 19th Baroness of Redcastle (nope, not kidding)! Redcastle is a Scottish feudal Barony related to my genealogy work – no money or land – just a title.” Janet Reid writes: “On call now, slogging X-rays.” From Carol Nesbitt : “My favourite sermon of Brenda Robson’s was the serenity prayer. I used it my whole life, but now that I am no longer patient enough, I prefer the thoughts of Angela Davis: ‘I’m no longer accepting the things I cannot change… I’m changing the things I cannot accept.’ I know that now I am in exactly the right place, doing exactly what I’m meant to be doing.” All the best to each of you! Do you remember that song, “40 years on when afar and asunder”? We will be 40 years on at our next reunion in 2020. See you then!


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