Behind the Ivy - Spring 2018



for it. Do not be scared to try in light of your peers who are doing amazing things. Havergal is a great environment for trying anything you want to and for receiving support, but to be surrounded by such talented people can sometimes arouse the feeling that you have less worth. Don’t get discouraged by all the amazing things your peers are doing; let it fuel your inspiration for your own endeavors! Another thing: take your time to enjoy the ride that you are on! The pressure is certainly building for you to live up to your potential, whatever that

may be, but make sure you have time to enjoy yourself. When you choose to laugh at an embarrassing situation, instead of cry, you will feel better. Fake it ‘til you make it! And once you have achieved your “Yeah, I care, but not that much” vibe, you can do anything. Failure will make you brave. The first few times you fail will be the hardest. There is no denying that negative emotions can send you off your course. But your so-called “failure” is only in your head. If you don’t think of it as failure, it’s not. It is not even a minor setback. It is a

learning experience that should make you happy. Because to experience the pride that comes with success, you first need to feel what it’s like to be on the other side. You will be so much stronger for it. Again, I am no expert on failure or success, but I do know that this is the time in our lives for growth and to not be afraid to try things; failing is the way to grow. Take risks and live your life, and you will never have “failure” again.


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